Life With Braces

Do braces hurt?


The placement of bands and brackets on your teeth does not hurt. Once your braces are placed and connected with the archwires you may feel some soreness of your teeth for one to four days. Your lips and cheeks may need one to two weeks to get used to the braces on your teeth. Click here for information on how to deal with any pain or irritation caused by your braces.


Will braces interfere with sports?


No. It is recommended, however, that patients protect their teeth by wearing a mouth guard when participating in any sporting activity. Mouthguards are inexpensive, comfortable, and come in a variety of colors and patterns. Please let us know if you play sport.


Will braces interfere with playing musical instruments?


No. However, there may be an initial period of adjustment. In addition, brace covers can be provided to prevent discomfort.

Should I see my general dentist while I have braces?

Yes, you should continue to see your general dentist every six months for cleanings and dental checkups.

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